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Monday, January 12, 2009

WALKING for Health

The benefits of walking:-
1. Walking strengthens the heart and lungs, increasing cardio-pulmonary fitness, as it improves blood circulation throughout the body.
2. Walking lowers blood pressure, decreases cholesterol and triglycerides associated with coronary disease.
3. Walking is a better tranquilizer than drugs. Walking aids relaxation and sleep.
4. Walking helps psychological stability, inducing clear and creative thinking.
5. Walking can ward off headaches, aching necks and lower-back pain brought on by stress and tension, which exercise alleviates.
6. Walking can enhance your appearance.
7. Walking, when combined with proper diet, can help to reduce weight.
Walking is such great fun. Step out in a brisk walk and the mind clears. Your worries are left behind. Anxieties disperse. Energy is renewed. The simple, natural breathing you do while walking acts as circuit breakers for tension. Everytime you inhale, the energy of oxygen is carried by the blood to all parts of your body.
You can walk to think or (better still) walk not to think. You feel the invigorating motion of air on your face. You see. You hear. You scent. You explore. You discover. You enrich your mind. You uplift your soul.
Many people have taken up meditation to achieve relaxation. When we think of meditation, we visualise somebody sitting cross-legged on the floor. But that is not the only way to meditate - you can also do it by walking. When you walk, concentrate on how your body feels - which parts are moving...
Walking is relaxing, meditative and therapeutic.
... all from the book : "The Joy of Walking" - by Jack Scagnetti


Anonymous said...

Really a very good piece of information on the benefits of walking.
Let's start walking today!

Anonymous said...

Cheapest form of exercise.
Can do it anywhere, anytime.
Why not do it NOW ?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3.

citiding said...

Hi Anonymous 1,2,3:
Great, start walking now or never.
While walking, donot let our mind run wild, focus on the body and the surrounding and enjoy the pleasure of walking.
Good luck!

jin1shu3 said...


citiding said...
